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Waking to Cats

18 May



I awoke to Virginia bathing my feet and Gabriel massaging my lower back. Kitty spa.

Now that I’m recovering from The Worst Virus in History, I’m feeling human again. Now and then, however, I still have horrible coughing fits. Having taken a break from life to rest and hack up phlegm, I’m ready to get back into writing and home improvements. Er, the home improvements can, well, start tomorrow.

Ginger, not Peachy

12 May

A cup–or endless cups–of hot ginger lemon tea is the best thing for a sore and/or congested throat.

I’ve been slicing ginger root and squeezing lemons, and the flavor is so much stronger if you make it from scratch than if you use teabags. (I know because today I found ginger teabags in my kitchen and tried one. I also found pumpernickel pretzels, which I’m sure will be delicious when I’m feeling better.)