Tag Archives: awkward social life

A Dream about being Lonely with Company

22 Nov

I dreamed that I was out in an urban area that particularly featured a parking garage. Actually, the parking garage was early in the dream. I was in it, maybe wandering around, when I met a guy I knew—he was tall and had dark hair and was maybe in his thirties. I think that in the dream I was thirtyish, too. Something was going on that caused many people to be showing up at the parking garage. They were gathering to see something, to watch a spectacle of some sort. We talked and I think agreed to hang out in a particular part of the garage, which was above ground and all grey concrete swirls. But I think he disappeared.

Later, I was walking around on a sidewalk with two female friends—we were all young and at least one of them was someone I knew in elementary, junior high, and high school: Kelly Zander.

Twice while I was supposed to be with those two, I fell behind and walked with a couple of women in their sixties or so. They assumed that I was alone, and I didn’t correct them but didn’t know why, really. The two young friends didn’t notice when I wasn’t with them; I saw them walking and talking animatedly with each other.

The second time I was with the older women, we’d been walking on a sidewalk, and this led to a series of concrete steps. We started walking up them, and I was watching my two young friends who were below and to the left—in a sort of park—of this sort of bridge we were on. I fell about four or five feet behind, so one of the older women paused and called, “Susan?” She turned and saw me, I started catching up, and she said, “I was worried about you.”

As I continued following the older women, I kept looking to my left, making sure I didn’t lose my young friends, who continued laughing and talking and showing no concern for my absence.

Once I’d gotten up and down the concrete stairs and lost track of the older women, I saw my young friends and I walked down a concrete ramp to reach them.

When I finally caught up, we were in an area covered in about four inches of slushy snow. The two young women were laughing and making paths in the snow by pushing it around with their feet.

I felt sad, alienated, left out—because they hadn’t missed me and now ignored me. They seemed as though they could care less if I was around.


It seems like I was detached from these friends. As for the older ones, we had only just met, so we could hardly be called friends, and I had no intention of staying with them. Maybe it’s just one of my socially awkward dreams, and I have a lot of those. I think the ages were significant, because I’m between the ages of the two groups of two.

Socially Awkward Dreams

7 Jul

I dreamed that a coyote took money in order to lead people to a magic portal. Another man caught him doing this with a woman he knew and castigated the coyote; the woman hurried off to the portal while this was happening in a field not far from the portal.


I dreamed I was with a few people, I think all female and middle-aged, in an apartment, and I woke up to find that someone had cut my hair. She mentioned cheerfully that she thought it was time I had short hair. I didn’t comment, as I joined everyone at a long table. I was kind of shocked, and the only thing I could console myself with was the thought that it would grow back.

Eventually, I said, “My hair hasn’t been short like this since fourth grade.” I said it to the group on general. Someone replied, not sure what.


Maybe that was the same dream in which a couple people we’d never met were joining us, and one of them had waved red flags online. One woman was utterly unimpressed with Red Flags and assured me that I should block her on social media. So I agreed. But as I looked at a colorful and sparkly collage about Red Flags, and/or made by Red Flags, I realized that this was the person who was really enthusiastic about tarot cards and mysticism and who had therefore caught my interest, and I had expressed enthusiasm for these things. I started feeling anxious and indecisive, like maybe I shouldn’t push her away after all, considering our interests.

Next she arrived, very loud and chatty and gushy.

Ugh, sounds like how some friendships end up with me: we have common interests, but they turn out to be verbally and psychologically abusive.


I dreamed I was at some sort of outdoor festival and felt socially awkward with people I knew who weren’t paying attention to me.

It was dark, there were many picnic benches, and people were talking and eating… and some people were moving away from the picnic benches, because we would be seeing a film soon. I looked at the screen for the film and, after glancing toward where the people I’d been with were sitting, I figured I’d be able to see the screen perfectly where I was.

I was feeling awkward and out of place and noticed that nobody wanted to socialize with me. I assured myself that the film would start soon, and it wouldn’t matter.